Microsoft Ads shifts native campaigns to enhanced CPC

Microsoft Ads shifts native campaigns to enhanced CPC

Microsoft Advertising is set to enhance its bidding options for native ads.

Starting April 30, it will phase out manual Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bidding for newly created native campaigns. By May 17, all existing image and feed campaigns on manual CPC will transition to enhanced CPC (eCPC).

Conversion attribution model set to “last click”.

This update, leveraging Generative AI and other advanced technologies, aims to automate bid adjustments in real-time, promising advertisers an average of 6% lower cost per acquisition. Enhanced CPC evaluates auction signals, such as search queries and device type, to optimize bids for better conversion rates. Microsoft emphasizes that enhanced CPC works seamlessly with third-party bid management tools and advises advertisers to utilize conversion tracking and update their attribution models for optimum performance.

[Microsoft Ads]

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